Tomorrow I will be attending an exciting conference call Leading Moms: Inspiring Talks by Extraordinary Moms as an event ambassador. This last minute opportunity couldn’t have come at a better time.
I can really use a pep talk right now because sometimes being a mom is just not very inspiring. It’s not hip to be a mama when you are at home staring at a pile of dirty dishes and a nasty tub that your husband was supposed to clean last week. When you cook a nice supper and your child won’t eat it. Or when someone asks you, “so what do you do all day?”
If I had Aretha Franklin’s voice, I would sing it all out. “R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find out what it means to me…” But I’m no singer …
Tomorrow’s conference promises inspiration with speakers ranging from Premier Christy Clark to Ratana Stephens, Co-CEO and COO of Natures Path to Fiona Douglas-Crampton of the Minerva Foundation. Plus there is a fashion show featuring Nicole Bridger‘s Fall 2012 collection.
So I am going to put my party pants on tomorrow morning and make the big drive across Metro Vancouver to the HR MacMillan Space Center in Kitilano. I’ll suck on a mint to make sure my breath is clean and open myself up to new experiences and god help me networking.
And I will listen for that one nugget of truth, insight or inspiration that I know can lighten my mood and make the world seem like a better place.
Maybe I’ll even sing about it on the way home.
If you are in need of some last minute inspiration, tickets are still available so be sure to register.