ERASE Bullying Summit and Twitter Town Hall, and My Blog Changes

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I am excited to report that I will be attending Tuesday’s ERASE (Expect Respect and a Safe Education) Bullying Summit as a live blogger!vancouver mom bloggerHow to best deal with bullying – and reduce its impact – on children and young people will be the focus of the summit conference to be held November 13 at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue.  Participants will include a broad range of people, from students, parents and educators, to police, community representatives and experts on bullying and student safety.

You can take part by tweeting your questions and/or comments (get tweeting today with the hashtag #ERASEbullying – they need something to talk about on Tuesday!) about dealing with bullying in the Twitter Town Hall. If you aren’t on twitter yet, it is free and easy to open an account. Please check in with my blog during the day on Tuesday to see my live updates on the bullying summit!

As I also mentioned, I have been working on some changes to my blog that I would like to let you know about. Most of the changes are actually behind the scenes and you won’t notice them, but you will notice:

  • you are now visiting me at my new web address; You can view all my blog posts and new content here now and sign up to receive my posts on email. I am currently updating both sites until the switch over is final, likely sometime in the next couple of weeks.
  • new name: I am changing my blog name from Half Baked Banana Bread to The Write Mama. I have used The Write Mama name online a lot for the past couple years (for TwitterFacebookPinterestInstagram, and email too. The last blogger event I went to, they printed The Write Mama on my name tag so that sealed the change;
  • new picture (pending) – we recently took part in a photo shoot with Images by Bethany and will be receiving some new photos at the end of November so watch for a new main photo for the page; and
  • minor formatting changes.
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