The Write Mama’s Greatest Hits: Premies, Politics and Motherhood

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As 2012 draws to a close, I would like to share the greatest hits from my blog The Write Mama, formerly known as Half Baked Banana Bread.

The Write Mama's Greatest Hits 2012

For my new readers, this will take you back to the beginning on how it all started – first by overcoming infertility and then the complications of HELLP Syndrome and delivering a premature baby. My favourite stories are “about a boy” who lights up my life in all kinds of way. My list also includes some of those “get real” moments when you just let it all hang out, what issues really matter to this mama and some hard earned wisdom to share:

The Beginning

1. The Journey to Here – I’ll never forget my first glimpse of my baby. Through blurry eyes, I was presented with his tiny 3 lb 15 oz self in an incubator at the foot of my bed in the ICU at Burnaby Hospital…
2. HELLP – You don’t go into a pregnancy thinking your life could be at risk or that your baby will be premature. But sometimes these things happen…
3. The Infertility Sisterhood  – Infertility was not a club I wanted to belong to…
4. Half Baked Banana Bread – Do you every feel like you’re investing yourself only to end up with a half baked result?

About a Boy

5Ode to the Boob – My 2 1/2 year old son is obsessed with the boob. He likes to touch it, squeeze it, pinch it and sing about it…
6. Out of the Mouths of Babes – I guess there is no use worrying about explaining the wonders of creating a life just yet…
7. About a Boy – I laugh more. I smile more. I love more. My three-year-old son challenges me, inspires me and surprises me everyday…
8. Farmin’ – “We’re going farmin’,” proclaims Gramps one morning…
9. Bedtime Tales – It’s finally quiet and I’m grateful. I love this energetic, creative little being with all that I am…
10. Pole Dancing Preschooler – I went shopping with my boy the other day…
11. Ten Reasons Why My 4-Year-Old is the Greatest  – I have the funniest little cartoon laugh.

Getting Real

12. On Motherhood – Even the most patient, kind and loving mother will swear, cry, sob hysterically, and/or have a breakdown…
13. I am a REAL Real Housewife of YVR – I would have never dreamed of clipping a coupon in a million years until I bought a house and started raising my family…
Boys and Bathrooms  – I just sat down in a puddle of pee…

What Really Matters?

15. In Vitro Fertilization:  A Nobel Pursuit – Why in vitro should be covered by your medical plan…
16. There are No Innocent Bystanders: Reflections on the 2012 ERASE Bullying Summit – Is your child being bullied at school? Is he or she a witness to bullying?  Are you worried about cyber bullying? You are not alone…
17. A Round Table of Moms Meets Christy Clarke – What would you say to the person with the top job in your province or state?

The Passing of Wisdom

18. The Passing of Wisdom – I asked my 92 year old aunt Eleanor, what’s your secret?

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2 thoughts on “The Write Mama’s Greatest Hits: Premies, Politics and Motherhood

  1. This is my first time visiting your blog, Lori, and I have to say that I’m glad this was the first post that I had the opportunity to look at. I feel as though I learned a lot about you from just this one post. It seems as though you’ve been through quite a lot, which is probably an understatement. I can’t wait to look back through your previous posts to learn more about you. 🙂

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