Shopping Sense and $100 IGA Gift Card Giveway

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shopping sense tour

Last week, I was invited to attend a Shopping Sense tour at IGA to learn about choosing healthier, budget-wise food options for my family. Global TV’s on camera dietitian Melodie Yong walked us through the store and shared some great tips on healthy shopping choices. A few of my favourites are:

  • plan weekly menus and shopping from a list makes it easy and affordable to make healthy choices in the grocery store
  • spend the most time on the perimeter of the store where you will find fresh produce, meat, dairy, and bread and less time in the aisles where you find mostly processed foods.
  • purchase a cooked barbecue chicken from the store and use that to cut up into portions that can be sent in lunches instead of deli meats that are high in fat and sodium.
  • make your own cookies and muffins at home.
  • for yogurt, choose plain greek yogurt with a low level of fat and add your own fruit for flavour
  • for milk, choose skim milk unless your child is under age 2
  • choosing local in season produce and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is the key to a healthy diet of fruits and veggies  
  • whether to buy organic or not buy organic is a personal choice. Organic is expensive and may not fit in your budget regardless
  • serve one orange vegetable per day

I am happy to report that everyone can go on the Shopping Sense virtual tour which was recently launched on HealthyFamilies BC to learn lots more tips from Melodie.

Shopping Sense

The virtual tour also includes some great tools that I am definitely going to check out:

I am happy to be giving away a $100 IGA gift card provided by the Healthy Families BC team who put on this event. Please use the rafflecopter entry form below to enter by March 23 and tell your friends! BC residents only for this one.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Full Disclosure: I received a grocery store gift card in exchange for attending the tour and blogging about my Shopping Sense experience. The blog post is written by me and expresses my thoughts and opinions.

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36 thoughts on “Shopping Sense and $100 IGA Gift Card Giveway

  1. I love that they have links for getting started on meal planning etc. That was my new years resolution, but I still haven’t started.

  2. I like the tip on fats and oils. Fat has been given such a bad name, people forget that it’s important to make sure we include a little bit of fat in our diets to remain healthy.

  3. I like the meal planning ideas. I keep meaning to try doing it, but time always seems to get away from me, haha.

  4. I like the tip of making a weekly meal plan and then writing a shopping list based on the meal plan. I also like to buy local fruits and veggies when possible.

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