Easter Fun

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We had a very relaxing Easter weekend. Our boy had a great time too what with all the Easter egg hunting and chocolate.

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Making Easter eggs was a great hit at our house. My son had a great time and all it took was a trip to the dollar store for a $1 kit and a trip to the grocery store for a dozen eggs.

easter glasses 2013

Here is my little bunny checking out the goodies in his Easter basket. A little chocolate goes a long way for our little guy so we don’t worry too much about it. He forgets about it after a few days anyways.

easter hunt 2013

My happy little bunny at the neighbourhood Easter egg hunt. He is a little camera shy these days so it’s hard to get a good shot.

dan and lucas 2013 kite

Capping off the weekend with a visit to Belcarra Regional Park to explore the beach and an attempt at kite flying.

Plus a fabulous ham dinner at my Aunt’s home – delicious!

A perfect ending to a great old fashioned Easter Weekend!

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