My Daddy Rocks: The Dude

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vancouver mom bloggerToday’s My Daddy Rocks interview is with my son in honour of Father’s Day. I don’t use my son’s name on this blog to protect his privacy so we’ll call him the dude which we use a lot in real life, as in Duuuuuude, what did you just do? Dude, why are you so obsessed with smelling my armpits! Dude, there is Lego all over the floor again!

The interview:

Hi. I am 4 years old.

My mommy’s name is Mama and she is helping me tell you about my daddy today because he is an amazing father and we want him to know how much we love and appreciate him.

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My daddy’s name is Dan and I call him Daddy or Daaaaaad.

I love my daddy because I don’t know, can we talk about this later?(Mama: oh dear)

My favourite book to read with daddy is Lego books and stuff.
(Mama: and Curious George and the Robert Munsch series of books my  husband bought before he was born)

I laugh out loud when Daddy tickles me and helps me do giant bunny hops!

My favourite thing in the world to do with my daddy is playing Lego, fixing things with tools and family hugs.

This summer, me and my daddy are going to … are we going to the cabin? are we going to my birthday? are we going camping? Yay! 

My daddy rocks because what does that mean moooommmm?
(Mama: actually Daddy rocks because he is in two bands and is an awesome keyboard player)

vancouver mom blogger thewritemama my daddy rocks 2

If you know a daddy who rocks and would like to participate in this new series, please contact me at thewritemama(at)

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