My Daddy Rocks: Samuel, Hannah & Seth

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vancouver mom bloggerMy Daddy Rocks is back featuring 13-year-old Hannah, 8-year-old Seth, and 6-year-old Samuel. They think their Daddy rocks because he plays, swims and wrestles with them. Three kids, three times the fun – let’s hear what they have to say in this week’s interview:

I love my daddy because:

Samuel: He wrestles with me.
Hannah: He lets me work with him and plays basketball with me.
Seth: He spends lots of time with me and tried his best to have alone time with me.

My favourite song to sing with daddy is:
Seth: I used to love when he would sing Jesus Loves Me to me.

I laugh out loud when Daddy:
Samuel: Throws me on the bed.
Hannah: Gives me a wedgy!
Seth: Throws me on the bed.

My favourite thing in the world to do with my daddy is:
Samuel: Play.
Hannah: Play basketball and work.
Seth: Play golf and basketball with him.

This summer, me and my daddy are going to:
Samuel: Swim in our pool.
Hannah: Cut grass and maybe go to the beach.

My daddy rocks because:
Samuel: He loves me.
Hannah: He’s my daddy.
Seth: He rocks me and lays with me sometimes.

Thank you to the lovely Cindy Epps of Life Gets Real for sharing her lovely children with us!

If you know a Daddy who Rocks and would like to participate in this popular series of interviews, please contact me at thewritemama(at)

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