As I give thanks for the many blessings in my life this Thanksgiving week, I can’t help but think back to the time that we were preparing for in vitro fertilization after learning that both my husband and I had medical issues that were preventing us from becoming pregnant on our own. Six years ago, we were just hoping and praying for our baby wondering if it was every going to happen. Now we have the most beautiful five-year-old son and the truth is I never stop giving thanks for that blessing!
But with IVF, you just never know how things are going to go; there are no guarantees. The procedure costs a bundle – approximately $10,000 per cycle including medications. The costs are not covered by the Canadian medical system except in Quebec.
All you can do is present your credit card, start the hormone injections, proceed step by step through the egg retrieval, sperm retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer and then hope for a positive pregnancy test.
The lucky ones will get the BFP (big fat positive); others will try and try again without success until they run out of money, pursue options such as adoption or surrogacy, or give up on having a family altogether.
As I give thanks for the many blessings in my life this Thanksgiving week, I am thinking good thoughts and advocating for the mothers-to-be who are dealing with the heartbreaking roller coaster of infertility and waiting and praying for a baby.
These families need our support. I hope one day, they will have the support of our medical system with full coverage of fertility treatment costs. Now that would be something to be thankful for.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by IVF4BC. I am proud to be a part of this campaign to advocate for families who are experiencing infertility as I did.
ivf4BC is a fabulous campaign from the Infertility Awareness Association of Canada to advocate for IVF coverage for the 1 in 6 BC families who will face infertility in their quest to have a family. One cycle of IVF costs approximately $10,000 including medications; these costs are not covered in Canada except in Quebec. Check out the ivf4BC website and find them on twitter@ivf4bc.
Thanks for sharing your inspirational story. I was so blessed to get pregnant 3 times without taking those routes. Each of my children is a huge blessing in my life.
I can’t imagine that emotional roller coaster and I’m so happy for you with your wonderful boy 🙂
This is a great post and a reminder again for everyone that some families need help getting started. Infertility is a complex health issue and should be recognized as such and funded.
It is a heartbreaking roller coaster. I have not experienced it myself, but have many loved ones who have.