We’ve been living with job loss in Vancouver for 7 months now. Luckily the severance package is seeing us through, but in addition to job hunting, my husband and I are considering the question of whether we should stay in the Metro Vancouver area or not.
We don’t want to move away from this beautiful city. But…
There is a case to be made for moving somewhere more affordable for a new job, somewhere smaller, somewhere where we can take some pressure off our day to day financial situation with a much lower mortgage. We can realistically do quite well by selling our existing home which has increased in value over the past 8 years, and buy a lower priced house out of town. We’d be able put money into monthly savings while keeping a little more for ourselves for a vacation and for fun.
It’s a scary and unwelcome thought to leave all of our friends, our son’s school, the home we have lived in together for 8 years.
To leave the city our son was born in, the house he came home to and took his first steps in. To leave the city my husband and I have both lived in for twenty and thirty plus years.
The saving grace would be to move closer to our families. How great would that be?
The idea of moving is overwhelming but we are thinking about it. And it might just come down to where my husband gets a job. It’s been seven months and we need a job offer to come soon. And if it’s a job offer from somewhere else, it might not be much of a decision after all on whether we should go.
The Whole Story:
Part 1 – Job Loss
Part 2 – Sharing the News
Part 3 – Sweating the Small Stuff in Job Loss
Part 4 – Should we Stay in Metro Vancouver or Should we Go?
Part 5 – Our Canadian Family’s Journey Through Unemployment in 2015
Part 6 – 13 Months of Unemployment almost Broke Me; 10 Life Lessons to Share; We’re Not the Rich
Part 7 – Unemployment: The Aftermath; and the Light at the End of the Tunnel