The Lush FUN Factory and Other Halloween Adventures

The Lush FUN Factory and Other Halloween Adventures

October was a busy month for the dude and I. Our Halloween adventures started with a special visit to the Lush store on Robson on October 17 for the launch of their new “Fun” product for kids. I told my son...
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A Round Table of Moms Meets Premier Christy Clark

A Round Table of Moms Meets Premier Christy Clark

It seems a bit like a dream, but the other day I attended a round table meeting with Premier Christy Clark, Director of Outreach Pamela Martin, and about 20 other mom bloggers. It was an honour to be chosen to...
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Bullying: an Ugly Word, an Ugly Memory

Bullying: an Ugly Word, an Ugly Memory

Bullying – it’s an ugly word. It’s an ugly memory. All in all, high school (grades 8-12) was not a happy time in my life. I was a shy, smart, insecure young girl and didn’t have a lot of friends....
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At my Hatha yoga class this morning, the instructor guided us students to practice thinking about gratitude as a way of staying present. Instead of allowing my mind to spin from topic to topic, I would take a breath while...
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Stop the Violence

Stop the Violence

There was a fatal gang related shooting in Port Moody on Saturday morning. Given that there have been two previous shootings at a local Starbucks and recreation centre, I am concerned about how safe we really are in the Tri-Cities...
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Kids Night Out in Vancouver: Family Fun with a 4 Year Old

Kids Night Out in Vancouver: Family Fun with a 4 Year Old

I am feeling a new sense of freedom now that my son has had his fourth birthday. We have been out to two kid-friendly evening events in Metro Vancouver – an outdoor movie night and a Vancouver Canadians baseball game –...
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Having a Ball at the Nat

Having a Ball at the Nat

“We promise to respect each other. We promise not to leave with a clean uniform. We promise to have fun! Let’s play ball!” With that pledge, 300 girls and boys, age 6 to 11 cheered loudly as they headed out...
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In Honour of Canadian Infertility Awareness Week

In Honour of Canadian Infertility Awareness Week

Infertility is something that happens to ordinary people from all walks of life. There is no greater pain, no greater fear than the thought that you may not be able to have the family you dreamed of. I know. I...
read more’s Top 30 Fabulous Mom Bloggers’s Top 30 Fabulous Mom Bloggers’s Top 30 Fabulous Mom Bloggers – that’s the title of the email I received last week to tell me I’ve made the list! I am unbelievably honoured to have been chosen in the top 30.
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Mortgages and Mammograms

Mortgages and Mammograms

From mammograms to mortgages, this was a pretty long day in the life of this mama. This morning, I drove to the Rapid Access Breast Clinic at Mount St. Joseph’s Hospital in Vancouver to meet with a clinic doctor to receive the...
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Cut a Mama a Break

Cut a Mama a Break

As the mother of a three year old boy, I was shocked when I read this letter to the editor of The Now newspaper saying that pregnant and new moms do not need to have designated parking at the local...
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Holiday Musings

Holiday Musings

The Christmas holidays have come and gone. Before I leave them behind, I’d like to reflect on a few special moments so I can savour the magic one more time. A New Kind of New Years Eve This year, we...
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My Infertility Story

My Infertility Story

When I was going through my two year struggle with infertility, I was very private about what was happening and confided in very few people. I feel that at this point in my life, it is healthy to demystify this...
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Pre-eclampsia. HELLP Syndrome. An emergency C-Section. A premature baby. This is what happened to me at 32 weeks into my pregnancy a mere 2 years ago. It doesn’t define me or affect my enjoyment of motherhood, but it is always with me....
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The Passing of Wisdom

The Passing of Wisdom

This week I lost my dear great aunt Eleanor, aged 92. A fighter to the end, she had surgery to remove cancer of the ovaries and was not able to recover. It was sad to say goodbye but as she...
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In Vitro Fertilization – A Nobel Pursuit

In Vitro Fertilization – A Nobel Pursuit

In 1978, when I was 9 years old and the first test tube baby was born in England, I never imagined that one day I would follow the same path.
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Half Baked Banana Bread

Half Baked Banana Bread

Cooking and baking is not my forte. But every now and then, I do like to make a batch of low fat banana bread or some cookies, and it’s good if I do say so myself! It’s always a challenge...
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