Leading Moms: Inspiring Talks By Extraordinary Moms

Leading Moms: Inspiring Talks By Extraordinary Moms

Tomorrow I will be attending an exciting conference call Leading Moms: Inspiring Talks by Extraordinary Moms as an event ambassador. This last minute opportunity couldn’t have come at a better time. I can really use a pep talk right now because...
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Top 10 Mom Tested Potty Training Tips

Top 10 Mom Tested Potty Training Tips

When I started to think about potty training my son, I didn’t read any how to books. Instead, I talked to the moms I know who had lived through the ups and downs of pee pee and potty seats, and...
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Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

Last week, we made our annual trek to the family cabin on the Sunshine Coast. Sounds idyllic, doesn’t it? And it is wonderfully relaxing to stay at our century old cabin by the sea –  except for the lack of...
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Ode to the Boob

Ode to the Boob

My 2 1/2 year old son is obsessed with the boob. He likes to touch it, squeeze it, pinch it and sing about it. “Mama, boobie, mama, boobie,” he chants. I try not to laugh, wondering how long this obsession...
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Those Terrible Twos

Those Terrible Twos

Two. It’s an age of exploration for my son. A time to push boundaries, to learn, and to grow. Truth be told — two can also be terrible. This morning, the dude ran into our bedroom to wake me up....
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