When I look at this picture of my son and a young friend playing at Blue Mountain Park, I know that our children are the face of the freedom that we enjoy as Canadians. We are fortunate to live in Canada where we enjoy a life of abundance and opportunity, in no small part because of the sacrifices of Canadian soldiers both past and present.
Because of the courage of these men and women, we enjoy many rights and freedoms which are also guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion. Freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression. The right to life, liberty and security. The right to vote. The right for every child to go to school, in French or in English.
So many things that we take for granted and don’t often take the time to be grateful for.
I would like to say thank you, and to remember a few family members today who served:
Laurence Alvin Powell (1924 – 1944) Royal Canadian Airforce
Leo Maurice McGrath (1921 – 1999) Royal Canadian Navy
Daniel Johnson (living), Canadian Forces Army Reserves (Afghanistan)
Happy Remembrance Day!