I recently attended the Disney Social Media Moms Conference after a whirlwind drive down to Bellevue with some power shopping at the Seattle Premium Outlets along the way. I arrived at my hotel on Wednesday night with a new outfit and feeling slightly apprehensive about hitting the freeway again in the morning to go find the conference hotel. I went to sleep dreaming about the Disney adventure ahead of me and hoping for something wonderful.
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
In the morning, I arrived just in time for breakfast and got my Disney on when I saw the Mickey Mouse balloons decorating the room and a certain furry friend from Disney Pixar’s Monsters University camped out at a table full of my fellow bloggers from the Vancouver, BC.
That’s me with the purple ball of fur named Art…Connie from Modern Mama (left) got to take him home though as a giveaway, the little flirt.
Brandee from One Crazy Kid and I did our best to win Art over. Monsters are so fickle these days. Good thing we have our own adorable little monsters waiting for us at home. Ha! Like my mouse ears?
A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no or where to go
Or say we’re only dreaming
I was thrilled to see a room full of mom bloggers just like me from all over the northwest. Disney invited this group of mom bloggers to come to their social media road show to engage us in the wonderful world of Disney, to provide us with knowledge and expertise to take our blogs to the next level, and to inspire us to be the best we can be. The adventure was about to begin.
Hi Ho Hi Ho
It’s off to work we go…
I fired up Twitter and Instagram to capture the experience. As the conference began, my Twitter feed went wild, highlighting many magical moments from our amazing speakers and panelists:
- Event emcee and Disney PR Director Michele Himmelberg
- Disney Destinations Manager of Social Media Erin Glover
- Keynote speaker Mindee Doney, creator of Boogie Wipes and owner of Juice Box Ideas
- Panelist Kathy Nelson, CEO and Chief Decision Maker at Ovaleye
- Panelist Christi Sandvik, owner of the fashion website www.krisandkate.com
- Panelist Suzanne Hansen, creator of the Baby Sleep Coach Program www.babysleepcoaching.com
- Panelist Sari Crevin, CEO of and Chief BooginHead for BooginHead
- Disney Parks Global Content Director Michelle Stepney
The great thing about Twitter is how it captures the essence of what is said in a just few words. Here is a taste of the delightful Disney social media conference experience from our Twitter hashtag #DisneySMMoms.
Some Disney fun for everyone!
Love “it’s a small world”? Download the exclusive Disney Parks Blog wallpaper! http://t.co/bq4A3zdPk3 #DisneySMMoms
— DisneySMMoms Conf. (@DisneySMMoms) June 27, 2013
Check out this award-winning @DisneyParks video: http://t.co/sTFFXnNZ7T #DisneySMMoms
— DisneySMMoms Conf. (@DisneySMMoms) June 27, 2013
Michele Himmelberg on the importance of women in business and sharing her story of breaking ground as a female sports writer. Watch for her on ESPN’s Nine for IX documentary Let Them Wear Towels on Tuesday, July 16.
Women-owned businesses generate $1.7 trillion #DisneySMMoms — DisneySMMoms Conf. (@DisneySMMoms) June 27, 2013
Supporting other women, so they can succeed. believe in yourself. loving the opening talk! #disneysmmoms — Sarah Kirkconnell (@GazingIn) June 27, 2013
Getting the scoop from Erin on what is new in the wonderful world of Disney including Cars Land and Fantasy Faire and how to keep up with what is new at their theme parks!
@gopluto Erin Glover talking about everything #disney #disneysmmoms http://t.co/aZGqZAdSxy
— Lori McGrath (@thewritemama) June 27, 2013
Keep up with all @DisneyParks news at http://t.co/9nM9mNyAG0 #DisneySMMoms — DisneySMMoms Conf. (@DisneySMMoms) June 27, 2013
Tons of wisdom from Mindee on finding your balance in life, Boogie Wipes, mompreneurs, and more…watch for her new book Boogie Wiped in the coming months.
Being a mom is putting someone elses needs 1st every second of everyday @JuiceBoxIdea putting my thoughts into words #DisneySMMoms #YVRMoms — Lori McGrath (@thewritemama) June 27, 2013
@JuiceBoxIdea set goals for yourself. I am going home to write out some goals #DisneySMMoms — Lori McGrath (@thewritemama) June 27, 2013
The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment #DisneySMMoms @juiceboxideas — Lori McGrath (@thewritemama) June 27, 2013
Don’t make to do lists, let the “to dos” find you. – @JuiceBoxIdea great tip! #DisneySMMoms — Bits of Bee (@BitsofBee) June 27, 2013
“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” – Walt Disney #DisneySMMoms — DisneySMMoms Conf. (@DisneySMMoms) June 27, 2013
A little inspiration from the panel of mompreneurs
“Be yourself, don’t be fake, your audience will pick up on your authenticity” #DisneySMMoms ~ Kathy Nelson @ovaleye pic.twitter.com/uNDoKigjK5
— TONIA L.CLARK :~o) (@whynotmomdotcom) June 27, 2013
The Internet has leveled the playing field for entrepreneurs. – @ChristiSandvik on encouraging the next generation #DisneySMMoms
— DisneySMMoms Conf. (@DisneySMMoms) June 27, 2013
Take plenty of time for yourself to be the best you can be for your business and your employees. – @SariCrevin #DisneySMMoms
— DisneySMMoms Conf. (@DisneySMMoms) June 27, 2013
Key messages from Michelle Stepney on working with the media.
Reporters are looking for: great quote, quick & easy, tips, trends, local impact/interest topics, and unusual. –@2the9z #DisneySMMoms
— Hanan Webster (@LilacCityMomma) June 27, 2013
Key messages and confidence will get you a long way in working with the media #DisneySMMoms
— Lori McGrath (@thewritemama) June 27, 2013
We listened. We learned. We laughed. We cried. We left the conference with something more, something to strive for – a vision where moms and mompreneurs can find a life balance that works for them and their families and enjoy the journey instead of struggling with it every day. This kind of magic comes from within if only you will listen to your instincts, heart and mind.
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Great post Lori — I love you gave us a taste of the conference through pictures and social media posts. It was almost like being there (looking for Mickey now!).
Maybe next year! 🙂
Oh my gosh I would love to attend a conference like this one. Thanks for posting the pics and twitter feeds. It really looks like an amazing time.