I have always loved reading and am so proud we have instilled the same love of books in our son at an early age. We read books every night as part of our routine – he picks the books and settles in for story time with Daddy and couldn’t be happier. Check out our favourite books for age 3-5 and then enter the Write Mama’s amazing Kobo Mini giveaway!
1. The New Adventures of Curious George – that little monkey is always very curious. This collection has 8 favourite titles including Curious George Makes Pancakes and Curious George Goes to a Movie. We like the index which shows a picture with each title so my son can point to the story he wants to read.
2. Munschworks 1, 2, 3 and 4 by Robert Munsch – my husband read these books growing up and bought my son the whole collection before he was even born. Our 4 year old loves these stories which are full of fun and drama with great illustrations.
3. Alphabet Mystery, Alphabet Adventure and Alphabet Rescue by Audrey Wood – This is a great set of books for preschoolers and up; we love it because our son is learning about the alphabet and he loves it just because it is awesome. We ordered these through Scholastic.
4. Alligator Pie by Dennis Lee – this is a collection of poems for children. We fell in love with the Alligator Pie poem when we first heard it on the Treehouse program 4 Square. We received the book as a gift and I was surprised how much my preschooler enjoys hearing these poems with a distinct Canadian flavour.
5. Linger by Marny Duncan Cary – my husband ordered this book by Saskatchewan singer-songwriter Marny Duncan-Cary based on her song Linger. The book captures a mother’s feelings of loss and pride on the first day of school. I’d like to linger a little longer too before we have to start Kindergarten…
6. Can You Find Boo? At the theatre by Rebecca Elgar – my son never gets tired of this book at 5 years old although we received it as a gift when he was a toddler. It’s peekaboo design keeps it fun every time and I love the early introduction to the arts!
7. Bob’s Big Story Collection – if your child is a Bob the Builder fanatic, you will want to purchase this 10 story collection of Bob’s adventures. The stories are all about helping and working together as a team.
8. Clifford the Big Red Dog Book Set – after my son discovered Clifford the Big Red Dog on television, I ordered the paperback book series from Scholastic. I like them because there is a book to match various occasions – Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, the seasons, a birthday party, a loose tooth etc. These books are quick fun reads and Clifford and Emily Elizabeth have a lot of fun on their adventures!
9. The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess – one of my childhood favourites…It must be the rhymes that are so catchy; we read this one over and over (and over and over) again. We have two of the award winning Dr. Suess board games “I Can Do That” and “Super Stretchy ABC” and they are excellent.
10. Lego City by various – if your preschooler loves Lego, they are going to love the Lego City books. I won’t pick out any particular titles since there are no classics among them but our son thinks these books rock. They are quick fun reads for the kids and affordable for mom and dad.
Summer Kobo Mini Giveaway
Kids and reading go together like peanut butter and jam and reading and Kobo! I know I’ll be getting a Kobo for my little reader at some point. Imagine not having to tote all those books from place to place on your vacation! And downloading new books from the Kobo store when you need a distraction for your kids? Brilliant!
I am excited to give away not 1, not 2 … but 5 Kobo Minis in this amazing summer giveaway! There will be five winners and lots of ways to enter in the Rafflecopter below. Thank you to the lovely Top 30 Vancouver Mom bloggers from 2012 and 2013 who are helping me spread the word about this awesome giveaway through Facebook and Twitter! The contest will begin at 12 am July 12, 2013 and run for one week. Open to Canada and the US.
I still love anything Dr Suess they are just such fun to read
Right now my favourite is Hug. My daughter loves it, and I get about 20 hugs in per read!
I’ve always loved The Paper Bag Princess.
Fabulous Giveaway Lori~ Thanks for hosting it. Sofia Marie would just LOVE this. Makes reading books on our travels way easier. Less ripped pages 😉
Ahhh my son LOVES Curious George 🙂
My son is 10, now, so he pretty much exclusively reads Calvin and Hobbes and Garfield.
But when he was little, he LOVED Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom.
Right now Splat the Cat and Skippyjon Jones are huge in my house. They are both so cute, I like them too. Especially Skippyjon Jones!
My boys love Clifford books, their children’s Bible and Curious George.
Alligator PieRaggedy Ann’s Sweet and Dandy, Sugar Candy Scratch and Sniff Book
Great giveaway!
Love to win to be able to read books with my kids as well 🙂 my fav book is I will love you forever!
Green eggs and ham by Dr.Seuss.
My girls love the Jon Klassen book My Hat Is Gone.
Chicka Chicka boom boom and If You give a Mouse a Cookie 🙂
Some favourite authors in my house are Dr. Suess, Robert Munsch and Mercer Mayer. My 3 yr old loves Are you my Mother by P.D. Eastman. My 5 year-old reads her children’s Bible most often.
My boys love Dr. Seuss books, especially Green Eggs and Ham!
My kids enjoy anything Dr Seuss 🙂
Great giveaway idea! My boys love all books! They love Preschool to the Rescue, anything Lego and are just getting started on the magic Treehouse books.
I will give “Curios George” a try. She has been fascinated with the cartoon, so perhaps the book will be as good for her.
What a great giveaway! Woohoo!
MY favourite books were the ones by Robert Munsch (LOVE “I have to go”)
Right now my daughter and I are obsessed with the Fancy Nancy books. They have good lessons and some new vocabulary words too 😉
Dr. Seuss’s the Lorax
My favorite children’s book is Walter the Farting Dog.
My four year old son really enjoys Scardy Squirrel and Olivia!
Kids love Munsch, and my Kindergartener likes to read Amelia Badelia.
My son loves the curious George stories!
My son loves the Birthday Book by Dr Suess
I like Dr Seuss
… Anything by Roald Dahl !!!
My daughter doesn’t have a favourite book yet…but my favourite to read to her is Pony Brush Teeth
My son loves the Gruffalo
Dr Seuss, Ronald Dahl, Magic Tree House….
The list is lengthy!
We love, love , love reading together, especially when it comes to Dr. Seuss and Clifford – books I enjoyed in my (long-ago, ahem) childhood 🙂
My 4 year olds is anything by Robert Munch. But we love I love you forever!
The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess
I think my favourite to read to Sprout is The Lorax.
Mortimer! by Robert Munsch among a gazillion others!
Maya the Bee
My loves reading as well! Right now he loves transformer and super hero stories. My daughter can’t get enough of ‘Pouch.’
The clown arounds!
Way to may great ones to pick just one but Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See is a favorite.
My daughter loves curious George too!
I still have my childhood copy of Alligator Pie and my 4 year old is just getting into Lego City! Great recommendations.
Our favorite would have to be Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
My favourite children’s book is the Velveteen Rabbit
I love anything Curious George!
my fav book was the Stinky Cheeseman and other fairly stupid tales lol 😀
Love You Forever
Robert Munsch
My children love the “Llama Llama Red Pajamas” series by Anna Dewdney.
I am going to have to try Llama Llama Red Pajamas!! Thanks for the tip!
My son loved all The Berenstein Bears books when he was little!
Love The Giving Tree.
My DD (4) is absolutely head over heels right now with Kevin Henkes mouse books (Lilly and the Purple Plastic purse, Lilly’s big Day, Owen, Chester’s Way, and Chrysanthemum. But I did NOT like Julius King of the World) and the Monkey books by Eileen Christelow.
When she was 2 she loved the Duck and Bobo books by Jez Alborough (especially Fix-It Duck). We have also enjoyed Daniel Kirk’s Library Mouse, Sandra Boynton books, some of Mo Willems (loved Leonardo the Terrible Monster, thus named b/c he isn’t good at being a monster…helped get over some of those ‘monster’ fears when she was 3). OK, I better stop now, we read a lot!
Anything Munsch was always a favorite. My daughter at almost 7 is now reading chapter books on her own, and loves the Magic Treehouse series. I remember Alligator Pie from when I was a kid!
Love Dr Sueuss
My 3 year-old loves “I am a Bunny”. It’s such a sweet book.
I loved The Cat In The Hat
Green Eggs and Ham!
I love you forever is my favorite
We are big readers in our family. Always looking for new recommendations.
Oh the places you will go. Dr. Seuss
Right now he loves We Share Everything and Curious George.
We all love ‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’
Beatrix Potter books!
Black Beauty and Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are 2 of my favorite
our fav is ‘oh the places you’ll go’ by dr. seuss
I always loved the Berenstein Bear books!
My little guys are in love with Toad On the Road and Toad Eats Out right now! Thanks for the terrific giveaway!
The Rainbow Fish!
Looks like we have the same home library as you! 🙂 Thanks for sharing! The Gunni Wolf is our favourite story. Hard to come by, but brings on some serious nostalgia for both husband and I as we both enjoyed it in our early years.
anything munsch!
No, David! Or any book by Melanie Watt like the Chester series or Scaredy Squirrel books.
We love Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site and Ben and Lucy Play Pond Hockey!
curious george
I really connected with Charlotte’s Web
We loved reading Dr Seuss books
Frog and Toad books
I love your book choices! Curious George, Munsch, and Dr Suess are all great favourites in our house. 🙂
Dr. Seuss
We love the book Go Dog Go.
Mine loves any Winnie the Pooh book.
Little House on the Prairie
anything by Dr suess!
I love reading Robert Munsch to my daughter as I grew up with a tape of him reading his classics and it helps my reading style – we also just signed out a great read from the library it was Dr Seuss’ My Many Colored Day’ – great for learning about colrs and as we get older feelings;)
I enjoy most of Dr Suess, one fish two fish is a favourite and the places you will go. I loved Llama Llama red pajama.
We love Dr. Seuss books and also Goodnight Moon, If You Give a Moose a Muffin, and anything with animals/marine life.
Frog and Toad.
every books with princess or tinkerbell
My favorite childrens book? Any of the Boxcar children or Magic Tree house books.
Little House on the Prairie is a hit at any age, which is what we are here.
Anything by Dr. Seuss!
great prize
I just love Aligator Pie!!
I love the Robert Munsch book I love you forever
My daughters favorite is any of the Disney books, especially princesses.
dr suess
The Secret Garden
The Very Cranky Bear by Nick Bland
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
My Son loves all the curious george books or Thomas The train boks while my daughter is in love with anything Minnie Mouse right now 😉
My current favorite childrens book is Enigma by Graeme Base!
Loved reading anything by Dr Seuss
enid blyton the faraway tree
robert muncsh is always good
Goodnight Moon written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Clement Hurd.
I enjoyed frog and toad growing up
The monster at the end of this book!
My favorite childhood book was Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Seuss
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?
The Cat in The Hat is my all time favorite
Loved the Boxcar Children!
curious george
little red riding hood. I always read different ones, waiting patiently to see the ending and what happened to the grandmother in each one.
Definitely Dr. Seuss and Roald Dahl’s books
Love the Dr Seuss
I love Charlotte’s Web.
Curous George was my fav when I was a kid!!
Anything Dr. Seuss 🙂
Alice in Wonderland is my all-time favorite!
I am really into the Berenstein Bears right now!
Winnie the Pooh
My boys love Dr Seuss books! My oldest loves Go Dogs Go(PD Eastman) and my youngest loves Green Eggs and Ham! Great giveaway!
any of the dr seuss is a huge hit
We love the booky series by Bernice Therman Hunter. They take place in the area I grew up in. My Daughter is now 11 and she is in bed by 8:00 on school nights and can read till 9:00 which has turned her into a book worm.
I ♥ book of Grimm’s Fairy Tales! ☺
How the grinch stole Christmas. Dr Seuss!
We love everything Oliver Jeffers!
What a great giveaway Lori! I am so happy that both my girls seem to have inherited my love of books. It’s hard to pick a favourite but both of them are quite in love with Fancy Nancy right now. And my oldest loves books of facts that allow her to tell everyone amazing things they didn’t know.
Dr. Seuss
How the grinch stole christmas
the hungry caterpillar
Goodnight Moon, Kitty Cat Kitty Cat Are You Waking Up?
I love you, forever by Robert Munsch
Green Eggs and Ham or any books by Dr.Seuss.
Green Eggs and Ham!
Just Go To Bed by Mercer Mayer I love this book and so does my son
The Pokey Little Puppy!
My favourite children’s book right now is The Gruffalo!