Today is a typical day as a work-at-home mom during the summer. My school aged son is at soccer camp while I am working at a coffee shop nearby. I’ve got 3 hours give or take to check in the on the PR needs of my clients, work on my blog, and/or tackle my email box before it’s time to rush back and pick up my 9 year old.
This afternoon, we’ll check out a local park and work on back to school shopping. Tonight my husband and I will have a rare date night as our son goes to his friend’s home for a sleepover. Hallelujah!
Often, the short amount of time to focus on and get my work done feels very challenging and I’ll make it up by working in the evening. There is also the option of all-day camps and we’ve done a couple of those too this summer, but surely one of the perks of working for yourself is having the freedom to spend more time with your kids? Or does it just add more stress?
In the end, having the flexibility of working from home makes life a lot easier for my family even if it feels harder for me sometimes. With my son turning 9 this summer, it feels like time is slipping away so I want to make the most of it.