Kindergarten Vignettes: The First Day of Kindergarten

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Well we did it – the first day of Kindergarten has come and gone.

First Day of Kindergarten

I don’t know how I thought I would feel today – proud, amazed, and thrilled for my son starting a brand new adventure of learning and growing? A little sad that our special time together as mama and baby, mama and toddler, and mama and preschooler is slipping away? Excited for a new beginning?  Tearful? Anxious? The truth is, I have experienced all of those emotions over the past several months. I am proud. I am happy. I am coming to terms with this monumental change in our lives.

But today, I just felt tired. Last night, the dude woke up at 4 am and was hysterical because his nose was plugged and it just turned into a rough night for us followed by an early morning.

I can also see my son is feeling the effects of this change in our lives despite all of our preparation. He has been very clingy and emotional lately and that was pretty much how the morning went at Kindergarten. My shy guy was excited to go and very matter of fact about getting ready and going to the school but he wasn’t quite ready to join the circle of kids sitting quietly on the carpet during the short half hour session.

After weeks of talking about starting Kindergarten with my son every night at bedtime and attending last week’s welcome back ice cream party – a happy exciting moment – this long anticipated event was done in the blink of an eye.

We met the new teacher and got some information about what we need to bring to school this week – recess snacks, an exercise book and scrapbook, a change of clothes – and signed up for our one on one meeting with the teacher later this week.

And then it was over.

Tomorrow is a brand new day. Another day of Kindergarten. We’re just going to take it one day at a time, create new routines together and settle into our new phase of life. We are ready.

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4 thoughts on “Kindergarten Vignettes: The First Day of Kindergarten

  1. The gradual entry of Kindergarten of today sort of makes those moments that are supposed to be ‘milestones’ a bit off and bit weirder than they should be.

    It is better to just breathe and look at the new routine as it grows and changes and changes you and your son. Seeing them figure stuff out without you is what always gets me. Sniff sniff 🙂

    My two oldest are waiting to hear who their teachers will be, so the excitement just turns to boredom and worry about it being a ‘bad’ decision.

    Tara did preschool for an hour today and managed..but yeah the clingy huh……oh well….they need their moms right? Hard to feel bad about that

  2. As a teacher, I can tell you there is so much pressure about the first day of kindergarten but really it should be looked at as the first month of kindergarten. And it definitely is a transition for everyone but it’s all good. Five is such a wonderful age. Just as an aside: he looks very handsome in his first day of school shirt!

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