My Daddy Rocks: Easton and Alexandra

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vancouver mom bloggerMy Daddy Rocks is back this week with an adorable duo – Easton and Alexandra. Easton likes to build Lego with his Daddy and wants to learn how to drive. Older and wiser Alexandra thinks their daddy is cool (score!) and wants to be in a band just like him! Easton is up first – tell it buddy!

My name is Easton and I am 6 years old.

My daddy’s name is Matt and I call him Daddy.

I love my daddy because he’s nice.

My favourite book to read with daddy is Hawkeye Joins the Avengers.

I laugh out loud when Daddy tickles me.

My favourite thing in the world to do with my daddy is build Lego.

When I grow up, I want to be just like my daddy because I want to drive a car.

My advice for my daddy is can I please help.
Daddy says “No, I don’t really know what that means, either! Lol!”

My daddy rocks because he plays bass in a rock band.

vancouver mom blogger

Visit to Tofino

Older sister Alexandra will take it from here:

My name is Alexandra and I am 7.5 years old,

My daddy’s name is Matt and I call him daddy.

I love my daddy because he loves me.

My favourite book to read with daddy is Little Critter book series (All By Myself; I Was So Mad; Just Go To Bed; Just Lost).

My favourite song to sing with him is “Heart Full of Soul” by Rush.

I laugh out loud when Daddy says something funny.

My favourite thing in the world to do with my daddy is go camping.

When I grow up, I want to be just like my daddy because he is in a band.

My advice for my daddy is swimming.
Daddy’s comment: I think she thought this meant, “If she’s given a choice, what does she tell me that she wants to do.” We go swimming twice a week, and it’s their favourite activity to do with me.)

My daddy rocks because he’s cool.

Vancouver mom blogger

Dancing queen – winning the school dance contest together!


Oh my goodness, this family is soooo adorable. Thank you Matt for sharing your family with us!

If you know a daddy who rocks, be sure to contact me with the details!

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