It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, toys in every store … I have made my list, checked it twice, and I still have more shopping to do to get ready for Christmas. Lougheed Town Center is one of my go-to shopping destinations and this year they have set up some great features to make your holiday shopping experience easier and more comfortable:
- Santa paging system. Parents and tots can hit the shops while waiting for their chance to meet Saint Nick. In addition, Santa photos are free on Mondays.
- Guest services’ coat and parcel check will safely store your goodies while you go back for more.
- Handy stroller and wheelchair rental service.
- Forgot the diaper bag? Lougheed Town Centre offers emergency infant supplies and a bottle warming station to parents in need, located respectively at guest services and the food court.
- Visit the Holiday Lounge from December 9 – 24, and leave gift-wrapping (first three packages free, with proof of purchase) to the pros while enjoying complimentary Wi-Fi and holiday classics playing on the big screen.
- Rambunctious kiddos can blow off some steam in the children’s play area or ride the Santa Express Mini Train around Santa’s Wonderland (by donation)
- Holiday entertainment schedule
I am delighted to feature a giveaway for a $50 gift card for Lougheed Town Center! Contest opens tonight at midnight and closes on Monday, December 16. Good luck!
Thanks for letting us know all the great perks! Will be hitting santa’s photo booth next Monday I have off!
A Monster High doll.
Ooh $50 could finish hubby’s Christmas gift!
My daughter wants some new books!
Thanks for all the great stories and the give away too!
Proud to say the only thing he really said he wanted was an airplane he could throw!
airplanes are the best!
A plush unicorn and a Hello Kitty doll (can’t wait to see her face when she gets them!)
I didn’t know about any of those services. That’s great.
winning could mean i could buy a little one a gift instead of just doing dollar store toys.
Thomas Train full set 🙂
My boys haven’t really asked for anything, but we got them a wooden marble run, jammies, books, new lunch box and some puzzles.
my little one is too little to tell us what he’s wishing for but he loves books and blocks so i think that’s what he’ll be getting more of! : )
Big Hugs Elmo for sure!
Playdoh ice cream maker and Olaf 😉
arts and craft things, paints and coloring. she’s a budding 2.5 year old picasso! 🙂
A Ninja Turtle sword and mask. And it has to be Leonardo…
Anything Dora related!
A Xbox One .. sigh lol
Hi! Up until a few weeks ago my boy’s wish from Santa was… gummy fruits! Hahaha! But now he’s decided to ask for “5 garbage trucks and 10 recycling trucks”. 🙂 I keep reminding him that Santa brings ONE present to good boys and girls. 😉
My son want a race car and the baby will love some exploring game for babies 🙂
A new my little pony toy!
Some building blocks
My nephews are all about video games!!
My son is addicted to Minon Rush!
My creative 3year old has asked for one thing- a wind up Franklin (the turtle) toy. They don’t exist. Sigh. Time to get designing I guess…
A furby
a laptop
She would like anything to do with Sofia the First.
My dude would like an RC car and some Powerade.
My kids are both too little to have wish lists so far. Maybe next year my son will be old enough to get that aspect of the holiday… 🙂