I am so proud to have been profiled on The Thirties Grind Blog by Melissa Carr as one of her REAL Real Housewives of YVR. I am posting a copy of Melissa’s article below for my readers. Melissa has a fabulous blog including the REAL Real Housewives of YVR Series and Absurd Vancouver Property of the Week so be sure to check it out!
Lori, what characteristics define the Vancouver Housewife?
Here’s what I have observed in my neighbourhood – the Tri-Cities area of Metro Vancouver. She is:
- Reading Fifty Shades of Grey and The Hunger Games
- Shopping online
- Saving with coupons, Groupons and swap meets
- Drinking wine or a latte from Starbucks
- Eating kale and walnuts
- Wired by iPhone and Kindle
- Addicted to Instagram and/or Pinterest
- Vacationing at Disneyland someday when she can afford it
Are you a good representation of a Vancouver Housewife? Why?
I’d say I am pretty typical. I conceived my baby through in vitro fertilization which is very “popular” these days and I have chosen to leave behind full-time work to spend time with my family. I have been spotted wearing lululemon and canoodling at Starbucks with my preschooler. I cross-border shop and have been known to use coupons and Groupons to afford my lifestyle.
Do you feel that living in Vancouver in some way defines who you are? Please explain.
Living in Metro Vancouver means we live in one of the most beautiful – and one of the most expensive – cities in the world. I love it here but the cost of living affects who I am right now. I would have never dreamed of clipping a coupon in a million years until I bought a house and started raising my family.
Have you ever had cosmetic surgery, Botox, Restalyne injections, etc.? If so, please provide details. If you haven’t had any of the above procedures performed, would you consider it?
I am 40-something and luckily most people think I am much younger. I have good genes from my mom – works for me! I would not consider cosmetic surgery.
Other than your children (if applicable), what is the accomplishment of which you are most proud?
I am really proud of my blog, The Write Mama. As a writer and communications professional, I have spent many years writing about topics that were important to my employers and clients. In my blog, I write about what matters to me – my family, my friends, my life, and some of my favourite things!
Has the desire for affluence/power/money been a motivator in the choices you’ve made for your life? No. I married for love. I stepped back from my career to enjoy my young family. I have no regrets.
Tell us about your stuff. What do you like to buy, collect, etc.?
My treasures include a full set of Royal Albert China in the Silver Birch pattern and my purses. I am also proud of my scrapbooking nook – I started by scrapbooking my wedding photos and am currently working on my son’s baby through preschool years.
Do you have “staff” in your home? (E.g. nanny, driver, chef, etc.)
I had a wonderful housekeeper who came in a couple of times a month until recently. Getting her in to clean the house was better than … well, I won’t go there out of respect to my husband. I am still grieving the loss but budget-wise, it made more sense to put the money into an RESP – if you don’t mind a messy house.
Do you belong to any clubs, teams, groups or social organizations?
I organize a social group for moms called the Coquitlam Moms & Dads Group. I have made an amazing circle of friends through this group. These women are amazing – they are down-to-earth, funny, intelligent, articulate, educated, compassionate, opinionated and loving. They are the Real Real Housewives of Metro Vancouver– no question.
Finish this sentence: “My life’s motto is ….”
Always say I love you.