Boys and Bathrooms

Boys and Bathrooms

I just sat down in a puddle of pee on the toilet seat at home, courtesy of my aim challenged almost 4-year-old. Boys are just so gross. I’m in a snit so I’m just going to let all it all...
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On Motherhood

On Motherhood

I’ve learned a few things about being a mama in the last few years, and for fun I thought I’d pass on some “half baked” observations on motherhood: 1. Expectant mothers have gorgeous hair during pregnancy but then 4 or...
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Out of the Mouths of Babes

Out of the Mouths of Babes

One afternoon, my son pointed to a picture of me on my dresser. This photo shows me seven months pregnant with the dude, and I just love it because I am standing beside my mother at my baby shower, holding...
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