Mortgages and Mammograms

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From mammograms to mortgages, this was a pretty long day in the life of this mama.

This morning, I drove to the Rapid Access Breast Clinic at Mount St. Joseph’s Hospital in Vancouver to meet with a clinic doctor to receive the results from a mammogram and ultrasound test I had done the week before.  I had needed further testing following my yearly mammogram screening test on April 2. I was a bit nervous but I had received a very reassuring letter explaining that most people who had to come in for further testing did not have cancer. I had also seen my doctor who advised that the reason could be as simple as a change from last year’s screening test – “just take it one step at a time,” she advised.

I chose Mount St. Joseph as the location for my yearly screening as they have new digital machines featuring lower doses of radiation and better imaging. As I waited, I felt my anxiety level rise, so I pulled out my iPhone and played a game of Hotel Dash! The breast surgeon came in, did a breast exam and explained that they had seen two tiny benign cysts in my results which are nothing to worry about but the process is to do a hands-on exam to close the loop. I learned the goal of the clinic is to get you in quickly to either rule out or potentially find cancers early before they become life-threatening. I left, feeling relieved, and ready to leave that thought behind for another year. On my way home, I remembered I had yet another appointment to go to today.

As first time home buyers in 2007, we were soon to discover the impact of a mortgage on our overall financial picture – especially after I stopped working full time after having our son. In the meantime,  mortgage rates hit an all-time low and we were able to renew this week at a much lower rate. It was frustrating as there were two months of mortgage wars in February and March but we couldn’t renew until April. We were fortunate to have the advice of our mortgage broker and financial adviser to support us in our negotiations with potential lenders and help us through the decision making process. We went to the bank and signed the paperwork this afternoon. After all that, I needed a big nap!

Here’s my advice when all is said and done: 1) talk to a mortgage broker and your financial adviser when it’s mortgage time and 2) go get your yearly mammogram once you turn forty. It might cause you a few minutes of anxiety or it just might save your life.

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